

Group Session!

Back in December, some friends were willing to model for me in a fun photoshoot! Glad I have some new models to call on now! ;)

This is Zack, who can easily pass for the classic look with his awesome trenchcoat!

My buddy, Brandon, who I finally think has grown onto my excessive photo taking. Haha!

Here's Brianna, who was just as enthusiastic to shoot as I was! Rocking ruby red lipstick better than Marilyn Monroe!

A natural with posing for photos, Josh was fun to shoot! 

Last but not least: Madison! An expert at hair-flipping, she modeled brilliantly!

Any one see someone in her eye?

With my Photoshop CS5, I've been trying all sorts of color edits, such as this one above!


Tried out some Hunger Games themed photos! Thanks Zack for letting us use the bow!

Thanks so much guys for helping me out! I had such a blast with you guys!

As for my interview... I found out that I will be interviewed TOMORROW at 11 a.m (PST)! 

You can click on the link here to listen live: ! Thanks for always supporting me guys! :D