

An Ending and a Beginning

Hi there my friends,

2014 was a year that provided both spectacular and difficult times,

I learned through so many experiences through the past year about photography and

myself. Words cannot express how much I am thankful for those periods and trials that I 

gained knowledge from. I've learned that loving yourself isn't something that should be regarded

as "selfish", but it's really monumental to living a happy and fulfilled life, and I want to strive with 

this principle for the rest of my life, starting with 2015.

For 2015 and the rest of my life, I've decided not to be fake. I want to be real.

I'm not the same person I was when I started this blog. My views on myself and life were different.

My views on religion were vastly contrasted to what I believe (or not) nowadays. 

As much as I would love to continue my blog on this site, I've decided to switch things up a little bit, 

and move to a different site: Wordpress! Although, at the time, I did have fun times and took photos 

during those times, I need to leave those behind and move on and look forward to better experiences.

Here is the link to my new blog where I will pose photos from my adventures with behind the scene 

instances and news, so feel free to tab this blog: Christopher J. Photo . I will no longer my

Blogspot for posting. So I guess this is au revoir from this site, and hello to my other site!

I love you all and hope you have an awesome 2015!

Cheers and all the best,

Christopher Rivera

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